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Apr 08
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Radiation Consulting
Industrial Radiation Consulting
Compliance Audits
Radiation Compliance Audits
QAQC Programs & SSDR's
Sealed Source and Device Registry
Radiation Safety Training
Industrial Radiation Safety
Custom Programs
Custom Industrial Radiation Safety Training
Radiation Consulting Industries Served
Differentiating Value & Quality
Radiation Consulting & Industrial Consulting
Nuclear Gauge Manufacturing
Nuclear Gauge Manufacturing Safety
Nuclear Gauge Safety
Radiation Safety and Compliance Audits


Licensing and training for industries using radioactive materials in process control.

Manufacture of Gauge

Hands-on radiation safety for X-ray and radioactive material gauge manufacturing groups.

SSDR (Safety of Equipment + QAQC)

Device registrations prepared for NRC approval.

Sales of Gauge (Customer License, Install, Operations, Training)

Non-routine maintenance and training to ensure machinery is in compliance with government regulations.

Use of Gauge (License, Training, RAD Program, Security Requirements)

Training and safety programs for personnel listed on nuclear gauge permits.

Regulation / Inspection

License inspection and regulatory compliance audits.


Basic Radiation Training
Leaders in Industrial Radiation Safety

Facilitate radiation safety training programs for RSOs, fixed gauge users and radiation workers. Courses cover principles of radiation safety, recent advancements in radiation protection and hands-on guided practice. We provide the following training courses:

Industrial Consulting
Leader in Industrial Radiation Safety

Provide complete set-up of radiation safety programs including procedures, written radiation safety programs and audit structure in accordance with regulatory guidance. Our radiation safety training classes are recognized by regulatory agencies as meeting intent of NUREG 1556 Volumes 1 and 4.

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SSDR & NRC Licensing
and Disposal in United States

Assist in radioactive material license applications, renewals and amendments, including Possession & Use licenses, e-Distribution licenses and SSDR. We navigate NRC/Agreement State radiation license approval process and correspond on your behalf.

More On NRC Licensing

Radiation Safety Customized for Your Industry

Engelhardt & Associates, Inc. is staffed with qualified radiation professionals with years of first-hand field experience and advanced degrees in health physics and managerial fields. Our radiation consultants stay current on new advancements in the radiation industry to provide essential training, compliance audits, licensing and radiation safety programs specific to the needs of your industry.

With our differentiated approach to radiation safety, we eliminate the need for less effective, generic programs lacking the customized training your business needs for maximum productivity and safety. Contact the radiation consultants at Engelhardt & Associates, Inc. to learn more.

Engelhardt & Associates, Inc. Most Trusted Clients

Our radiation consulting, training and licensing services provide ongoing support for our clients. We’ve cultivated relationships with some of the most trusted companies in the radiation industry!